Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I’ll join you for a cup Mike. I’m always in for a good coffee. Hope all went well for Fay at the heart doctor today. We do all seem a little befuddled by the ever changing rules and regulations for college and professional football.
I like a nice hot shower too Kathie. I find the steam helps clear my nose and lungs too. Plus I come out sqeeky clean.
We wandered over to Disney Springs this morning. In spite of the bright sunshine the wind made it feel a lot cooler. It was still a nice wander and we sat inside at Starbucks and enjoyed a couple of coffees on them. I used my stars for two “freebies”.


Wacky Wabbit
13F and Real Feel temp is 1 degree right now and going below zero OverNite.
I don't want to hear any complaints about the weather being cold in Florida! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Sweep Wipe GIF by Danketsu - Bobo and Shroomy
FLOOR IS CLEAN. Not sure about eating off of it Mike. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Off to find a place on the couch and snuggle up with my Afghan!!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It’s 11F and feels like 0F in Amherstburg. Oh, wait. I’m not in The Burg right now. So Kathie, no complaints from me.
G’nite everyone.


2nd Officer
It seems that all you Wabbits like long hot showers. Me too. As a matter of fact I keep our hot water heater set on a higher setting than most people so we can take longer showers.

If I remember right, Mike, THE Ohio State football game on Monday will be on ESPN at 7:30 PM.

K2; Hope your dentist visit goes quickly. And you get back that "Hollywood Smile".

Oh, what's a little more snow? Yesterday afternoon there was a very small amount of snow in the air, and I didn't think much of it. But seeing as it was constant for a few hours, when I looked outside later our streets were all covered and slippery.

Nothing like that today, only a small chance of any snow. Although it'll be mighty cold.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning!
In case you don’t get on before the trip to the dentist, how’d that repair go Kathie? I hope they were able to do it in one visit. It seems more and more dentists book an appointment to plan a treatment and then have you come back. Did Art leave any crumbs on the freshly washed floor?
It’s the small snow flakes that often seem to build up the fastest Dave. I bet there’s lots of days that you don’t miss having to drive the oil truck in snow and ice.
What’s on tap for you today Karen? I hope “feet up” is planned for a part of the day.
Mike, you can imagine my surprise when I was getting ready for my nightly piece of cookie and “HORRORS” there wasn’t one. I’m surprised I slept at all. :(
I’m off for a walk. When Ava gets up, I’ll take her for one too.
Enjoy this wonderful Wednesday.


Wacky Wabbit
A good morning to you Wrabbits.
Lee: Sure glad your temps down there are not in the TEENS!
It’s bright and sunny here, but freezing cold and a few snow flakes here and there. 16F…..Brrr!
And NO CRUMBS on the floor ….yet!
Dave: Can’t wait for the football game on Monday! Soon it will all be over and we’ll be into MARCH MADNESS BASKETBALL! Good thing I like college basketball.

Karen: Hope you have a good day. Follow Lee’s advice and just give yourself a day off relaxing!
I gotta go. The Dentist’s office s on the Eastside about 1/2 hr from here! Been going to the same place since I was a kid. The original Serbian dentist sold it to a young couple that have grown old with me. Ha ha. They are young than I am.
Later gang. Have a good day.
2 walks in one day. Good for you Lee. That’s why you can eat those cookies,


Wacky Wabbit
I'm BACK.........

All is good with the front teeth. Not pleasant when they freeze the upper gum area! :eek: But it's a must since I can't stand dental pain!

Off to get a nice hot cup of Burbon Blizzard Coffee. It's a limited edition at the coffee shoppe that Art and his biker friends stop at.

Later gang.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hey now, that’s great news Kathie! The Bourbon Blizzard Coffee intrigued me. I googled it and I found “A Bean To Go” and do they ever have a wide assortment of regular and flavoured coffees. Is that the shop the bike guys go to?


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Yes, that’s the coffee shoppe! Great little place. They are a very ‘Christian‘ group and are never open on Sundays. They have a “point” program and you can get $10 dollars off a bag of coffee at some point.
It’s pricy, but home roasted coffee. Trust me we don’t brew it everyday.
Michigan State Basketball just beat Penn State!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
That coffee shop sounds like the shop and roastery that opened in Amherstburg a short while ago Kathie. Bucket List Coffee roasts their own beans on site. They have a really nice assortment of light meals and delicious snacks to go with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Bobby, the owner, is always on site working as hard as the rest of his employees!
All cold and more snow makes Dave grumpy. I get that 100%.
I’m hoping all is well for Karen and Mike.
A bit later today I’ll be raising a glass of True Blue’s “Crazy Good” to Momma Bunny. And indeed to all of you.
All of you have a fantastic day.


Wacky Wabbit
Quick Good Morning. (Dave, I was up at the same time you were and went right back to bed.)

I will be back later. 20F and not a bright as yesterday here. We got 1/2 inch of FLUFF through the night.

Lee: Thanks for raising the glass of CRAZY GOOD for Momma Bunny and the rest of us. Take a picture of the place. I wonder if it ever changes.

Wonder how Rita is doing in Florida alone.

Later......... Hello's to Mike & Karen too

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I can’t think of anything that represents The United States of America more than The Eagle. I saw this carving at True Blue and just knew it would be the perfect backdrop for my glass of Crazy Good. For Marcia, Tony and Pat I raised my glass. Followed by raising my glass to the rest of you.
No Kathie, the winery hasn’t changed a bit. Neither has the warmth and welcome from Fatima and Howard.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee & Lu-Ann: Nice picture and perfect for the Wine toast! Wish I was there to join in! I’ll have a glass of wine to ight with dinner.

I made stuffed Cannelloni shells to freeze for a future quick dinner.
For tonight I made Chicken Hungarian Paprecash . It’s like a stew w/ dumpings.
I don’t know where I got the energy for this cooking, but it will be great to have homemade meals in the future!
Light flurries. 25F temps.

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
Temps here aren't too bad but there not in the 80s.
Thanks for the glass of wine Lee. Like K2 said, I'll have a glass tonight. Tell me Lee, K2, is there a coffee that taste just like coffee?????.
Dave. are you up yet??? Thanks for th e game info.
Yesterday I got a shot at the oncolog;y group for bone density, the Dr. said my bones were fragile, thats not all t hat is fragile. Today a nurse came for Fay and I. She said everything looked good but told me to drink more water. I don't drink water b;ut I guess I will start. Also to take a multiple vitamin. Whats one more pill?????
Hi karen.
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2nd Officer
Morning Bunnies!

Not much of a chance for snow today, but still befelow freezing. Yesterday was one of those sneaky now days. Just a bunch of thin sugary snow flurries, but over time they added up and made the roads slippery. Lawn guy's crew showed up to shovel the drive and sidewalk to the front porch.

Would adding water to your bourbon satisfy that nurse who said to drink more water, Mike? Just asking.

Gotta know KC; Is your microwave still working? My money says that it's going to work for quite some time. I'm with you in not liking fancy coffee flavors.

Hey Lee; Did you just give us the "bird" while at True Blue?

I haven't had any authentic Hungarian Chicken Paprikash since I was a kid, K2. That's some yummy stuff. The family of one of my best friends was Hungarian, and his mom sure could cook. Had a full kitchen on the main floor and another full kitchen in the basement.

Half the time they spoke Hungarian to each other. Heck, I learned how to swear in Hungarian as a young lad. :)

Funny, I remember those words today.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Nope Dave, I didn’t give you all the bird yesterday. But because you mentioned “The Bird” I dug this out of the vault…

Now everyone, get that ditty out of your minds as you go about your day!
Funny how, on any given day you can’t remember what you did a couple of days ago but you can remember foreign language curse words. I think we all have some form of that. :)
I admit to looking up Chicken Paprikash. Wow, does that ever sound good. I can only imagine how your house smells Kathie!
Overall it sounds like a good report Mike. Very few people drink as much water as they should in a day. Sadly coffee doesn’t count as water.
I hope you’ve been busy Karen and you’ll find a moment to stop by.
Not much more to add to start this day other than to wish you all a good one.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning Hutch Mates!

Okay.......where is our KAREN at?? Hope you're staying out of trouble little girl! Ha Ha.

Dave: Good to know that you picked up some good language while hanging around your best friend's house. I bet I know more of those "WORDS" than you do! HA HA!

And yes, Chicken Paprikash makes the entire house smell yummy!
We ate a batch last night and I froze one batch for another day.

Lee: I'm sitting here and that SONG is already driving me crazy.
"The Bird, Bird, Bird, the Bird is the word." Too funny.

Speaking of Birds. We got to watch the Blue Jays fly in for the Peanut feeding. They sure are a beautiful bird. The Woodpecker was out there on the suet too.

Okay, not sure what's on the addenda today, but I'm going to do a check on how much meat there is in the freezer for the UP COMING ZERO WEATHER we're suppose to get. BELOW ZERO temps the first of the week.
Suit Up Sweater Weather GIF by James Curran
Need to get some more jackets ready.

Later gang. Enjoy the day. It's a Balmy 32F and Bright Sun right now. (won't last long)