When the mind starts slippimg.



Saturday I went out with 3 of my girlfriends. We decided to go out to lunch. We were parked at the curb and I said "Wait my glasses fell under my seat". I said "they fell out of my pocket". I was bent over looking under the seat. They said how could they fall under and up in the seat? I said I see them. They each took turns looking under my seat with their butts in the air and saying we don't see them. I said uh huh, I see them right there, give me a screw driver So I can reach them. Each one took their turns looking under the seat and would say"where I don't see them?' I said "I can't believe you guys can't see them, they're right there". They said "thats part of the mechanics of the seat", I said uh, uh, I can see them". We were there for about 10 minutes trying to see my glasses. I said Boy when I get these glasses out from under the seat, you guys are going to buy me a good lunch. My friend Sharon said :you probably put them back into your purse". I said "No I had them in my coat pocket" and now they fell under the seat, give me something to reach them". I'm bending over trying to reach them and she taps me on my back and says "look at me". I turn around and she was wearing them. They were in my purse the whole time. We were laughing soooo hard. I said "Lunch is on Me".


Ohhhhhhh that is nothing. I've had my sunglasses on my face and my glasses on my head for a quick switch and gone crazy looking for them. Talk about mindless! Sounds like it was a fun outing though regardless of the crazy searching for glasses. :lol :lol


It is hard getting Older...or I am just taking it hard. :D I enjoyed your story. Have a great day!! :)


That had to be funny with all of you looking for the glasses.

I figure I spend about half my day looking for something :lol