OMG I just got home from work



Wooowza what a week. I had another first call and then another iminnent came in just as I was trying to close for the day. My boss worked the other mortuary and then took the afternoon off. I was spinning he must have emailed me 40 this one, do this please...It all got done and his emails all said Thank You or You Rock etc., so I don't mind working hard when you get that kind of positive feedback. He told my girlfriend who is a director at the other mortuary that I am the best,, that I kept it all smooth and together when chaos was breaking loose this week. . She said I told you so! LOL As I pulled into the drivewall my cell rang it was him. He wanted to talk to me about the most recent call. Sooooooo I think I'm off for the weekend! LOL

What a week I know that this week has been a record for number of calls at this mortuary. I managed to catch up on paperwork and move a few things to organize my office but didn't get very far with that project. It all feels good though I'm doing what I do best and that is react and put out fires.

Everyone enjoy your weekend I know I am going to! :lol :lol :lol


TGIF! You sure had yourself a day! But at least this boss recognizies it and says so. Now it is the weekend and you can relax - or play in your garden if the weather lets you. Or go look at puppies!



Ohhhhhh Liz I'm not actively seeking a puppy quite yet but should one fall into my lap...... :lol Yes it has been a wonderful week at work. I can't wait to have some quiet time to fix up my office. I have a big private office so now we just need some down time.

I hope I can get out to the garden this weekend!

Cruise cutie

=hugs and =love you deserve..!! and hope you can garden..I'll be calling..:phone..:grin..Joanne

Donna - dsw

That is what people like you do - - what needs to be done!

Have a great weekend.