Kay's Frozen Corn


Staff Captain
Kay has allowed me to share this recipe with anyone interested in freezing Sweet Corn (while it is abundant this time of year)

We have done our sweet corn this way for many years and it's about the only frozen corn my kids will eat during the rest of the year. It is absolutely the best!

Todd always helps me or I wouldn't do so much of it. It's not fun to have to do it all alone. He picks, husks, and cuts the corn off the cob for me all outside so I'm happy not to have all that sticky juice inside. We have a cool tool that we bought from the Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD that really takes it off effortlessly and in a quick time. Much faster than cutting it off with a knife, like we used to do.

So.....here you go.

You need:
4 quarts of cut off the cob corn
4 teaspoons of salt
4 tablespoons of sugar
1 stick of butter (and don't even try anything else!)
2 cups of water

Mix all together in a large dutch oven type kettle (once with silverstone or teflon is nice to help with the scorching) and then turn the burner on your stove on high. You have to stand there and keep stirring because it will scorch if you walk away from it. Once you get it to boiling, time it for 5 minutes and then remove it from the heat.

I have one side of my sink filled with ice cubes and cold water and then I pour the hot corn into a bit tupperware plastic bowl and set it in there (make sure it floats or you'll have water in your corn!). It needs to cool a bit before you can package it. (maybe 15 minutes - stir it once in a while while you're getting the next batch ready).

I package mine when it's still warm because I want to get going on another batch. I put 2 cups in a quart freezer bag and try to get all the air out as I zip it shut. I lay them flat and freeze them that way on a cookie sheet. They stack better in my freezer that way.

It really is the best frozen corn I've eaten. My mom used to blanch the corn first and then we'd cut it off the cob and then freeze it but it isn't nearly as good as this stuff.

Next winter when you take a bag out, put it on a plate in your microwave and thaw it a bit and then dump it out the bag into a bowl and microwave it until it's warmed up. You can do it on the stove too.

It is the best!
